
Foreign Currency war,who will be the winner?

Written by Crouse Brunch
 The year 2007 is a wonderful year that china economy boosts increasingly-------stock markets and real estate got hotter and hotter. Those who suck in the capital markets gets much bonus .at that time, the people from home and abroad doubt if china economy will land stably .At the same time ,the Chinese main currency is under great pressure .on one hand ,its currency rate is nonstop increased ,on the other hand ,decrease on Euro. When confrontation between the two party gets into three,this long foreign currency war becomes more and more complex:the US dollar would have no choice to get out of the main role of main international currency.however ,the vibrant Chinese yuan still stays here,hold on weakness.thus Euro is forced to be No.1 international currency but cannot afford to the weight of currency due to the EU market's weak economic increase. In fact ,the war among US dollar ,Euro and Chinese yuan is a kinda that US ,EU,and China don't want to play the important role on foreign currency markets . Along with the US dollar devaluation , the global economy begins foreign currency rate .strong esteem US goverment request Chinese yuan to appreciation.Chinese goverment is under great pressure .but EU pros that US dolllar devaluate too much. So some people mayt reach a conclusion that the world is filled with protectionism: Foreign currency war ,who will be the biggest winner ? Facing the great international pressure ,China take its own measures .that is ,roundabout appreciation .nowadays ,the chinese foreign currency policy is towards flexible transitional phrase.. the few decades of bilateral trade demonstrate that the two parties benefit much more than we thought . We should notice the deep root reason why Euro increase devaluating .global imbalance of payments is the root cause . NFL jerseys

